\"Find Similar Bugs\" bookmarklet

I cooked up this bookmarklet earlier tonight, figured I’d post it somewhere before it gets lost. 🙂 This bookmarklet will run a “Find a specific bug” search in Bugzilla using the product and summary of the bug you’re currently viewing. It currently only works on mozilla.org. Someone who knows more about Javascript than I can probably fix it up to be site-agnostic 🙂

Find Similar Bugs

Don’t click it, it won’t work here. 🙂 Right-click it and choose “Bookmark This Link”, and put it somewhere convenient. (Or just drag the link into your toolbar.) Then when you’re viewing a bug and want to find one similar to it (searching for dupes?) you can click it and off it goes.

UPDATE: My blog apparently doesn’t allow javascript: URLs… you’ll have to manually edit the saved bookmark and add “javascript:” in front of the location before it will work.