Hello WordPress!

So I finally managed to get my blog converted to WordPress. 🙂

It’s much easier to post here than it was to Geeklog (what I was using before), which means I should be posting more frequently now. I have it set up so the feed URLs and the permalinks from the old blog should redirect to the new permalinks, so hopefully nothing was lost.

I may screw with the theme a bit before it settles down, so if you’re reading this in a web browser, don’t be surprised if the look changes when you come back 🙂

Mozilla IT has a blog

I won’t be needing to post service outages for Mozilla on my own blog anymore… we finally have a blog for Mozilla IT specifically for that purpose. Like mine, it’s also syndicated to Planet Mozilla, but if you don’t read Planet and want to keep up on Mozilla IT announcements, make sure to go subscribe to the new blog!

news.mozilla.org has moved!

Earlier tonight, we changed the news.mozilla.org domain name to point at our new news server at Giganews. (yay!)

If you go take a look, you’ll notice a bunch of new newsgroups, starting with mozilla.* instead of netscape.*. That’s not a complete list of what’s going to be there, but that’s what we’ve rolled out so far. There’s a lot of new discussion areas available. The rest of the new groups will be rolled out as we get their corresponding mail gateways moved over the next couple weeks.

Unfortunately, when we moved the domain name tonight, the message pointers on all the groups changed, and our mail to news gateway thought a whole mess of messages were new again (thus re-sending a few thousand to the mailing lists again). We caught it before it got too far, but we think the mozilla-general mailing list probably bore the brunt of what actually got through before we stopped it, and for that we apologize.

The news gateways for all of the lists have been reset. Any posts to the newsgroups in the hour between when the domain switched and when we reset it probably never got gatewayed to the mailing lists.

pserver being disabled for website CVS

On Monday, January 30th, 2006, we’ll be disabling pserver access to the website CVS repository, just like we did for the source code repository a couple years ago. This means from that point onward, you will need an ssh key to be able to check into the website using a CVS client. You will still be able to use Doctor with your password (it’ll be requiring SSL [https] soon).

There are 371 active website CVS accounts as of this writing. 111 of you actually already have ssh keys (in most cases because you have commit access to the source tree as well) and may just need to start using it.

In the next week or so, we’ll be emailing instructions to everyone who currently has a website CVS account. So if your CVS account uses an old email address, now would be a good time to get it changed to a current address by filing a bug.